Allgemeine Physiotherapie


In our practice, we offer specialized physiotherapeutic care for patients who have undergone surgery and for those who have suffered musculoskeletal injuries. Our aim is to improve your mobility, reduce pain and ensure optimal functional recovery. Through a comprehensive initial assessment, we identify the specific needs of each patient and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Our treatment methods include manual therapies, customized exercise programs and state-of-the-art techniques to relieve pain and promote mobility. We attach great importance not only to treating the symptoms, but also to addressing the causes of the complaints through targeted therapies. This approach supports rapid and sustainable rehabilitation and helps our patients to actively participate in everyday life again.

Whether it’s restoring function after knee or hip surgery or rehabilitation after a sports injury – our experienced team will do everything it can to improve your health and quality of life.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy focuses on the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Its aim is to relieve pain, improve function and enhance quality of life. Core methods include manual therapies and customized exercises to strengthen and increase flexibility, as well as effective pain management. Ergonomic advice and posture training help to prevent future injuries and optimize posture. Treatment also includes preventative advice and post-operative rehabilitation support to enable a speedy recovery and return to everyday activities.

For more information, please click here.

Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie
Manuelle Lymphdrainage

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage technique performed by specially trained physiotherapists or masseurs to treat lymph congestion in the tissue. This technique promotes the removal of lymph, a vital fluid that transports nutrients and waste products and plays a central role in immune defense. Lymphatic drainage is particularly effective in the treatment of primary and secondary lymphoedema, which often leads to severe swelling that frequently occurs after injuries or operations. Through targeted, gentle movements and the application of compression bandages, the therapist stimulates the lymphatic vessels, supports the drainage of fluid and facilitates pain relief and healing.

Fascial Distortion Model (FDM)

FDM therapy, also known as the Typaldos method, is a diagnosis and treatment concept developed by Dr. Stephen Typaldos that focuses on fascia – the connective tissue structures that surround muscles and organs. Typaldos discovered that many muscular and skeletal pains are caused by fascial distortions, i.e. deformations of the connective tissue.

FDM distinguishes between six types of fascial distortions, each of which causes different pain and movement restrictions. The treatment is based on manual techniques such as targeted pressure applications and stretches to correct the fascial deformations.

The aim of FDM therapy is to relieve pain and improve mobility. It is often used in sports medicine, orthopaedics and physiotherapy, particularly for acute injuries and chronic pain. The method combines special techniques with the patient’s individual pain analysis.

During FDM therapy, micro-injuries can occur in the connective tissue and muscles, resulting in acute pain, muscle soreness and sometimes bruising. These symptoms usually subside as quickly as after intensive training.

Fasziendistorsionsmodell (FDM)